Extra Curricular Activity

Extracurricular activities help students show off their interests and personalities. These activities also demonstrate their ability to contribute, stick to their commitments, and manage their time and priorities. 

Extracurricular activities are programs outside of the regular school curriculum. They focus on a specific activity, goal, or purpose.

Extra Curricular Activity

Our PSKG ECA Offerings


Badminton offers teenagers a multitude of benefits, including improved physical fitness through cardiovascular workouts that enhance stamina, agility, and muscle strength. The game also sharpens hand-eye coordination, balance, and social skills through interaction with teammates and opponents. Additionally, it serves as a stress reliever, fostering discipline, focus, and problem-solving abilities. As teenagers gain proficiency, they experience boosts in self-confidence and self-esteem, promoting lifelong enjoyment of a healthy, active lifestyle. Overall, badminton cultivates character development, teamwork, and resilience, making it a valuable asset to teenagers’ physical and mental well-being.


Futsal is a sport that offers students a comprehensive approach to character and physical development. Its fast-paced nature and emphasis on technical skills, tactical understanding, and social interaction help enhance physical fitness, speed, agility, and coordination. Moreover, it fosters discipline, resilience, and sportsmanship while promoting goal-setting, mental well-being, and lifelong enjoyment of physical activity. As a result, Futsal provides students with a valuable platform for personal growth and helps them develop a lifelong appreciation for sports and fitness. Futsal offers students a holistic approach to character and physical development. Futsal enhances physical fitness, speed, agility, and coordination through its fast-paced nature and emphasis on technical skills, tactical understanding, and social interaction. It fosters discipline, resilience, and sportsmanship while promoting goal setting, mental well-being, and lifelong enjoyment of physical activity. Futsal provides students with a comprehensive platform for personal growth and a lifelong appreciation for sports and fitness.


Swimming is a fantastic activity for students to improve their physical fitness and personal development. It provides a complete workout that strengthens all muscles, enhances cardiovascular health, and improves breathing and coordination. Moreover, swimming is a low-impact exercise that is gentle on joints and helps reduce stress while promoting self-discipline, confidence, and social interaction. Learning swimming skills is also crucial as it equips students with life-saving abilities and encourages a healthy lifestyle, making it a valuable activity for their overall well-being.


Basketball provides students with a comprehensive platform for physical fitness and personal development. Through its fast-paced gameplay, it enhances cardiovascular health and muscle development while promoting coordination, agility, and motor skills. Additionally, playing on a team fosters teamwork, communication, and leadership, while instilling discipline, resilience, and problem-solving abilities. Moreover, basketball contributes to confidence building and lifelong enjoyment of sports and fitness, making it an invaluable activity for students’ overall well-being and character growth.


Volleyball is a sport that provides students with a comprehensive approach to physical fitness and character development. Its fast-paced gameplay helps to improve cardiovascular health and muscle development while refining hand-eye coordination, teamwork, and communication skills. The sport also offers opportunities for leadership and problem-solving, which can help foster resilience and sportsmanship. In addition, volleyball can help build confidence and a lifelong love of sports and fitness, making it an excellent activity for students’ overall well-being and personal growth.


Engaging in digital illustration activities offers students a multifaceted approach to personal development, from fostering creativity and expression to honing fine motor skills and attention to detail; digital illustration encourages artistic exploration while enhancing technological proficiency and problem-solving abilities. It promotes patience, perseverance, and time management, instilling a growth mindset and resilience. Moreover, through collaboration and feedback, students build communication skills and a sense of community while exploring potential career paths and cultivating confidence in their abilities. Overall, digital illustration provides a dynamic platform for students to unleash their creativity, develop essential skills, and prepare for future endeavors in both artistic and professional realms.


Dance activities offer students a holistic character, physical, and skill development approach. Dance fosters creativity, expression, and confidence by improving physical fitness, motor skills, and coordination. It also instills discipline, teamwork, and emotional regulation while promoting cultural awareness, social skills, and a lifelong enjoyment of movement and expression. Dance enriches students’ lives by nurturing their physical and emotional well-being, enhancing their personal growth, and fostering connections within their communities.


Biopreneurship activities offer a comprehensive learning journey to students, helping them develop an entrepreneurial mindset, critical thinking skills, scientific literacy, and ethical awareness. These activities equip students with invaluable skills for their future by teaching them how to navigate complexities and drive positive change in their communities through collaboration, leadership, and innovative problem-solving. Additionally, biopreneurship instills resilience, financial literacy, and a sense of global citizenship in students, empowering them to become agents of innovation and progress in addressing pressing issues in biology, healthcare, and environmental sustainability. Overall, biopreneurship activities provide a transformative experience that prepares students for future endeavors and inspires them to make a meaningful impact on the world.


Japanese Club activities offer students various benefits, including cultural appreciation, language proficiency, creativity, teamwork, problem-solving, physical fitness, and global awareness. Through immersion in Japanese culture, language practice, artistic expression, and collaborative projects, students develop practical skills and a deeper understanding of cultural diversity and global issues. The club environment fosters camaraderie, leadership, and personal growth, providing students with a supportive space to explore their interests, forge connections, and cultivate valuable skills that will serve them well in their future endeavors.


Participating in a Photography Club activity offers students a holistic journey of artistic expression, skill development, and personal growth. Through honing their creativity, observational skills, and technical proficiency, our students learn patience, critical thinking, and problem-solving. They use photography as a medium for self-expression, connecting with nature, and documenting experiences while fostering social interaction, confidence, and storytelling abilities. Overall, the Photography Club provides a supportive environment for students to explore their interests, develop their talents, and form meaningful connections, contributing to their character development and a deeper appreciation of the world.


Engaging in robotics class activities offers students diverse benefits, ranging from honing problem-solving and critical thinking skills to fostering teamwork, creativity, and resilience. Through hands-on experiences with robotics kits and software, students develop technical proficiency in mechanics, electronics, and programming while gaining valuable teamwork and collaboration skills. Robotics classes also encourage ethical awareness and social responsibility, preparing students for future careers in STEAM by providing practical knowledge and fostering confidence and self-esteem. Participation in robotics classes empowers students to develop essential character traits, technical skills, and social competencies, preparing them for success in an increasingly technological world.


Participating in a MonsoonSIM class activity offers students a comprehensive learning experience, encompassing decision-making, problem-solving, and financial literacy in a simulated business environment. Through teamwork and collaboration, they develop interpersonal skills while adapting to dynamic scenarios, enhancing adaptability and resilience. Moreover, engagement with technology platforms fosters digital proficiency, complementing the cultivation of an entrepreneurial mindset and global awareness. Time management and leadership opportunities further equip students with essential skills, preparing them for success in business and entrepreneurship endeavors and nurturing confidence and adaptability for the future.


Participating in Rubik’s Cube class activities offers students numerous benefits, including developing problem-solving skills, spatial awareness, patience, memory, and self-confidence. It enhances fine motor skills and concentration and fosters social interaction and teamwork within the Rubik’s Cube community. Additionally, it provides opportunities for creativity and innovation and serves as a stress-relieving activity, promoting overall well-being and skill development in an engaging and rewarding manner.


Engaging in The World’s Scholar’s Cup class activity offers students diverse benefits for their character, physical, and skill development. Participants undergo intellectual growth through rigorous academic competitions covering various subjects, fostering critical thinking and curiosity. Teamwork and collaboration are emphasized, promoting communication skills and camaraderie. Public speaking and debate skills are honed, while cultural awareness and global citizenship are fostered through exposure to diverse perspectives. Leadership qualities are cultivated, research and analytical skills are developed, and physical well-being is encouraged through competitive events. Networking opportunities facilitate social interaction and lifelong connections, while personal growth and achievement empower students to pursue excellence and become informed, compassionate global citizens.


Participating in a video editing class activity can benefit students in several ways, including developing their character, physical skills, and expertise. Through this activity, students can enhance their creativity, critical thinking, and digital literacy by expressing themselves creatively, demonstrating technical proficiency, paying attention to details, and solving problems. They can also improve their time management, communication, and collaboration skills. Additionally, engagement in video editing can foster self-confidence, self-expression, and career exploration, preparing students for success in creative industries and other fields. Overall, the class empowers students to develop essential skills and competencies while providing opportunities for self-expression, collaboration, and career exploration in the dynamic field of digital media production.


Youth Red Cross activities provide numerous benefits to students. These activities promote character development, physical well-being, and skill enhancement while providing opportunities for personal growth and community service. Students can gain valuable experience in community service projects, disaster preparedness training, and health promotion campaigns. They can also learn first aid and emergency response skills, which promote physical preparedness and safety awareness. Youth Red Cross activities also offer opportunities for leadership development, teamwork, and communication skills, which can help students address community needs and promote humanitarian values. Participation in these activities can nurture students’ character, physical health, and abilities while fostering a strong commitment to service and global citizenship.


Participating in a music band activity offers students many character, physical well-being, and skill development benefits. Students develop discipline, perseverance, and teamwork through learning and practicing musical instruments and collaborating with peers in rehearsals and performances. Playing instruments requires physical coordination and fine motor skills, promoting physical fitness and agility. Moreover, music band activities enhance students’ creativity, self-expression, and emotional intelligence by exploring different genres, styles, and musical compositions. Engaging in rehearsals and performances also fosters confidence, stage presence, and communication skills. Overall, involvement in a music band activity nurtures students’ character, physical health, and skill development while providing opportunities for artistic expression and personal growth.


Participating in the “Bye Bye Plastic Bag” campaign significantly influences students’ character and skill development by fostering environmental awareness, empathy, and social responsibility. Through the campaign, students can take on leadership roles, communicate effectively, and advocate for sustainable alternatives to plastic. They develop problem-solving skills, collaborate, and demonstrate resilience in facing challenges. Moreover, involvement in the campaign raises ethical awareness and empowers students to make informed decisions that contribute to a healthier planet and a more sustainable future. The campaign cultivates valuable character traits and enhances essential skills, empowering students to become effective changemakers in their communities and beyond.


Joining a chess club can be an excellent way for students to engage intellectually while developing social skills. Chess can help students analyze situations, make informed choices, and adapt to changing circumstances through strategic thinking, problem-solving, and critical thinking. It can also help students remain patient, focused, and calm. Playing chess can teach students to manage their emotions and handle success and failure gracefully. Chess club activities provide opportunities for students to connect with peers, develop friendships, and cultivate a sense of belonging. Participating in chess clubs can help students enhance their cognitive abilities while promoting valuable character traits essential for personal growth and success.


Culinary club activities offer students a multifaceted experience that fosters character development and skill acquisition. They learn how to cook delicious and nutritious meals while enhancing their creativity, teamwork, and proficiency in culinary arts. This, in turn, cultivates valuable qualities and life skills such as time management, nutritional awareness, and responsible decision-making. Overall, culinary club activities empower students to become adept cooks and cultivate their passion for cooking while enhancing their confidence and cultural appreciation.


Participating in a journalism club activity offers students numerous character and skill development benefits. They enhance their communication, critical thinking, and research skills through writing articles, conducting interviews, and creating multimedia content. Moreover, they learn about ethical reporting, time management, collaboration, adaptability, and leadership, fostering personal growth and preparing them for success in journalism and beyond.


Joining a Korean culture and language club can help students develop language proficiency, cross-cultural understanding, and leadership skills. By engaging in language learning, cultural workshops, and interacting with peers from Korean backgrounds, students can gain a deeper appreciation of Korean culture while enhancing their linguistic fluency and cultural competence. Participating in activities like K-pop dance, Korean cooking, and traditional crafts can spark creativity and exploration of new interests. Additionally, organizing club events fosters teamwork, organizational skills, and global perspectives. This exposure can prepare students for success in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world while nurturing a lifelong interest in Korean culture and language.


Podcast club activities significantly impact student character and skill development. Students improve communication, writing, research, and technical skills. Collaboration and teamwork are fostered. Podcasting boosts confidence, time management, public speaking, and presentation skills. Podcasting exposes students to diverse viewpoints and experiences, promoting empathy and perspective-taking. Overall, podcast club activities empower students to express themselves, share ideas, and engage with topics of interest.


Participating in a table tennis club activity can profoundly impact student character and skill development. Firstly, the sport promotes discipline and perseverance as players must consistently practice to improve their game. Students learn the value of hard work and dedication through friendly competition and challenging matches. Additionally, table tennis fosters sportsmanship and respect, as players must exhibit grace in both victory and defeat, treating opponents courteously and fairly. The game’s fast-paced nature enhances reflexes, agility, and hand-eye coordination, contributing to physical fitness and coordination development. Furthermore, teamwork and camaraderie are nurtured within the club environment, as players support and encourage each other’s progress. Participating in a table tennis club activity improves technical skills and instills essential values and qualities, contributing to well-rounded character development.


Participating in a Taekwondo club can significantly impact students’ personal growth and skill development. Taekwondo promotes discipline, self-control, and respect for oneself and others, which is taught through adhering to the principles and etiquette of the martial art. Students learn the value of perseverance and hard work through rigorous training and working towards belt-ranking systems. Taekwondo also promotes physical fitness, agility, and strength through various exercises, forms, and sparring drills to develop martial arts techniques. It encourages mental resilience by teaching students to overcome challenges, face fears, and build confidence in their abilities. In addition, the Taekwondo club environment fosters teamwork, camaraderie, and mutual support among members, creating a community and a sense of belonging. Participating in a Taekwondo club activity enhances martial arts skills and cultivates essential values, character traits, and physical fitness that contribute to overall personal development.