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Statement of

Ethos & Values:

At BPK PENABUR International School, we are committed to providing a nurturing learning environment that fosters the personal, academic, and spiritual growth of every student. Our dedicated teachers and staff work collaboratively with students and families to create a supportive atmosphere that promotes open communication, mutual respect, and a strong sense of community.

We believe in the importance of developing well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and character necessary to thrive in the 21st century. By integrating the 7Cs – critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, character, citizenship, and computational thinking – into our curriculum and school life, we prepare our students to adapt to challenges and change, create opportunities, and make a positive impact in an ever-changing world.

At the heart of our ethos lies a commitment to fostering spiritual growth, guiding students to explore and strengthen their faith while respecting the diverse beliefs within our community. We strive to create an environment where every student feels valued, supported, and inspired to reach their full potential.

Our Values:

Our values of B.E.S.T. run through everything we do here at PENABUR and we aim to instil these values in all of our students. We want to help develop our children to be happy, well-prepared and confident young children, who adopt an ‘I can’ mentality and aim high in all they do. To enable us to achieve this and to be the very best we can be, we are committed to working in partnership with students, their parents/carers and the community. Our absolute aim is to make the most of every young person’s time with us.

Be Tough: We want our pupils to be persistent and independent in performing tasks both academically and personally.  We endeavour to ensure that they are responsible, honest and humble. That they believe in themselves, they are skilled and creative. Realising through hard work they can achieve great things within school and beyond.

Excel Worldwide: Loves to study and read. Our pupils are taught to celebrate their individuality and to formulate their own opinions, expressing them maturely. To excel with National and International insight, mastering science and technology. We aim to instil a sense of bravery within our pupils and create an ethos where it is ok to make mistakes as long as we learn from them.

Share with Others: Passionate about leadership and being a role model. Our pupils are taught to be respectful citizens within school and the wider communities. Showing compassion, understanding and tolerance towards others regardless of their age, gender, race, religion, ability or background. To have an attitude of empathy. Able to socialize.

Trust in God: Relying on God in every aspect of life.





Hi everyone! My name is Vita and I am the head of the International Department in PENABUR Jakarta. It is my pleasure to greet you all.  I hope you and your family are always in excellent health.

In our schools, we cultivate a distinguished learning experience designed to meet our children’s needs. We understand that academic achievements are important to pave our children’s future. We offer the Cambridge International Curriculum from Checkpoint, IGSCE, and A Level. We also have the NCUK International Foundation Program for a pathway to University. Moreover, every year, we cater to our students’ talents and potentials by providing opportunities for them to join national and international competitions. And to further boost their confidence in collaboration with others, we have STEAM project-based learning imbedded in our curriculum.

In addition to academic performance, we are well aware that it is equally essential to maintain our children’s mental health and wellbeing to ensure optimal performance. Thus, we have CFYG or Compass for Young Generation which helps students to shape their calling and ignite their thirst to be involved in the community.

In addition, as a Christian Education Institution, our teaching and learning activities are based on Christian values. With the inevitable advances in technology, we believe that students need to be not only digitally ready but also responsible. Thus, our character building programs are aimed to support this. All in all, our schools offer a balanced learning curriculum to help students steadily march towards their goals.

We nurture the next generation of lifelong learners and leaders who are tough in heart, excel worldwide, serve others, and live by the word of God. Join us to make the world a better place for our children’s future.


Vita Kusumastuti

Head of International Department of PENABUR Jakarta

Crafting the Mind, Heart and Spirit

August 2023




Greetings Students, Parents, and Faculty,

I’m thrilled to join BPK Penabur Jakarta as the new head of school. My name is Benedict Rinne, and I bring with me a dedication to building strong relationships and fostering collaboration at every level.

Our Shared Values and Vision

Our school’s mission is rooted in Christian values and the pursuit of excellence. Together, we cultivate an environment that prioritizes excellence, integrity, and service, ensuring that every student is empowered to become a globally competitive and productive citizen.

Curriculum: Nurturing the Whole Child

Our approach to education, anchored in the Cambridge curriculum and enriched by STEAM concepts, recognizes the unique potential within each student. We provide not just an academic education but a holistic one, developing skills, talents, and virtues that prepare students for meaningful lives.

Connecting and Growing Together

The upcoming school year is filled with promise and possibility. We’ll deepen our community connections, expand our academic offerings, and explore new ways of learning together. From new parent-teacher collaboration programs to enriching student-led initiatives, there’s something for everyone to contribute.

Join Us on This Journey

I invite each of you to actively engage in our community’s life. Share your ideas, volunteer your time, and embrace our shared mission. Together, we can achieve greatness.

As we begin this exciting academic year, let us strive together to realize our shared goals. I eagerly anticipate the achievements, discoveries, and growth that await us.

May we always remember the words of Proverbs 16:3: “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”

Warm regards,

Benedict Rinne

Head of School

August  2023



What Parents are Saying

“My name is Sevri, parent of 3 students in PENABUR Primary Kelapa Gading. It’s been a happy moment spending education life in PENABUR.

We have trusted PENABUR for a long time since my husband and I are alumni of PENABUR. We believe PENABUR more than just academic excellence.

It implements Christian-based values which has cultivate my kids’ characters to embrace life in their present and future. Parents are also involved in some activities which create a good relationship between school and parents.”

Mother of Ezer Bermellio Wiryomartani, Quinnie Bermelly W, Sharisse Bermelly W-

PENABUR Primary Kelapa Gading

“My name is Jaclyn. I’m a parent whose two sons both graduated from PENABUR Secondary Kelapa Gading. PENABUR provides strong academic programs as well as valuable school curriculum. My sons had the opportunity to flourish through the various programs and activities they experienced in PENABUR and became successful students. Cambridge A level program is recognized at leading universities around the world. If we follow school program accordingly such as the ones offered by PENABUR, our children are assured of a bright future and the right path to a successful life.

안녕하세요 제 이름은 재클린입니다. 저는 PENABUR Secondary Kelapa Gading 에서 졸업을 한 두 아들의 부모입니다. PENABUR는 강력한 학업 프로그램과 가치 있는 학교 커리큘럼을 제공합니다. 제 자녀들은 PENABUR에서 경험 한 다양한 프로그램과 활동을 통해 성장 할 수 있는 기회를 가졌으며 성공적인 학생이되었습니다. 캠브리지 A 레벨 프로그램은 거의 세계의 모든 대학에서 인정 받고 있습니다. 우리가 PENABUR에서 제공하는 학교 프로그램을 믿고 따를 경우, 우리 아이들은 밝은 미래와 성공적인 삶을 향한 올바른 길을 확신 할 수 있디고 저는 생각합니다.”

Jaclyn Buntaram Mom of Ryan Lee Buntaram & Adam Lee Buntaram

PENABUR Secondary Kelapa Gading

“My name is Diana, parent of 3 students in PENABUR Secondary Tanjung Duren I entrusted my children’s education in PENABUR because their goals were to study abroad.

PENABUR Secondary Tanjung Duren implements Cambridge Curriculum that has a global recognition in providing the best education. My children are the living testimony on how a great school can create great students with skills and ability to compete in the challenging working environment.”

Beloved mother of Christopher A Chen, Gabriel A Chen, and Jeremy A Chen

PENABUR Secondary Tanjung Duren